Minnesota State Capitol | Wikimedia Commons
Minnesota State Capitol | Wikimedia Commons
In late January, the Minnesota Senate Capital Investment Committee took a three-day tour of capital project requests in the Twin Cities and surrounding suburbs. The tour was part of the fifth and final piece of the Senate’s statewide tour of infrastructure projects. The final day of the tour was postponed, but would have taken committee members to several sites in Minneapolis and Bloomington.
Throughout the multiple-day tour, the committee members heard more than two dozen proposals from local governments, colleges, state agencies and other entities. Publicly owned infrastructure projects were eligible for bonding, and the state has received more than $5 billion in capital requests from state agencies, colleges, cities, counties and other government entities.
The committee will formally consider requests before putting together a bill now that the legislature has convened.
The media was invited to each event, which included stops in Golden Valley, Twin Cities, North Oaks, White Bear Lake, and other communities.