Rep. Barb Haley | Facebook
Rep. Barb Haley | Facebook
Walking the community of Lake Street, Rep. Barb Haley (R-Red Wing) joined her legislative colleagues June 6 to view the destruction of the business district and neighborhood.
“It’s hard to find the words to describe the destruction,” Haley said in a Facebook post on June 7.
During the walk, Haley was able to talk with business owners.
“We talked with the minority businesses owners and families who tried to guard their businesses through nights of rioting, looting and burning,” she said. “We listened to their stories of fear and resiliency as they now are working to clean up the damage, help their neighbors and find a path forward to rebuild.”
Though Haley does not have a set proposal she advocates for at this time, she said they are looking at various ideas and approaches.
“As I’ve tried to do throughout my career, I started yesterday by listening and learning — directly from the people impacted,” Haley said. “The rebuild of these communities will require significant public-private partnerships.”
The walking tour was organized by Reps. Tony Jurgens (R-Cottage Gove) and Jon Koznick (R-Lakeville), and Haley was joined by Reps. Aisha Gomez (D-Minneapolis) and Hodan Hassan (D-Minneapolis) and Jim Davnie (D-Minneapolis).