Angie Craig tweeted the following:
"Minnesotans have been dealing with mail issues for months, and they deserve answers. Ill keep pushing until Postmaster General DeJoy gets our postal service back on track."
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Here are other recent tweets from Angie Craig:
"Theres a whole lot going on around #MN02 these days! Subscribe to my newsletter to hear more about how Im working on your behalf in Congress." on Jan. 28
Read on Twitter" on Jan. 28
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"Im honored to be named to the Energy & Commerce Committee. Last Congress, we made historic strides to lower health care costs capping insulin copays, allowing Medicare to negotiate & cracking down on Big Pharma. I look forward to building on that progress for #MN02." on Jan. 28
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"The video of the brutal beating of Tyre Nichols is horrific. My heart is with everyone who knew and loved him all those who are grieving the tragic loss of their beloved son, brother, father and friend. Those responsible for Tyres death must be held accountable." on Jan. 28
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