We have 12 students who have submitted 3 videos for competition. The way the competition works is that the Top 10 from the nation will be chosen based on shares and votes - then the top 5 will be voted on by judges.
Our supply of extra boots is running low, if you have boots or other winter gear that your children have outgrown we would gladly accept them at the Primary and Elementary Schools.
oin Minnesota photographer and speaker Wing Young Huie as he guides us in thinking about our everyday habits and how we can open ourselves up to new perspectives, one conversation at a time.
From SADD’s Socktober campaign, President Kate Trump and Vice President Lindsay Hanson delivered 377 pairs of warm socks and almost $700 in donations raised through a dollar dress down day and proceeds from the Homecoming dance donated by the senior class. Later, Peer Ministry officers Vice President Lindsay Rauenhorst, Secretary/Treasurer Bennett Wray-Raabolle and President Amelia Pemrick dropped of 10 boxes of Thanksgiving dinner items donated by the BA student body.
The Master Recyclers and Composters of Rice County are available to help you “sort” out your recycling questions with a personal five-minute session on Saturdays, November 26, December 3, 10 and 17 from 1 to 2 p.m. in the atrium of the Northfield Public Library, 210 Washington Street.
Current Class B CDL driver’s license with airbrakes endorsement or ability to obtain within four months, 1 year of maintenance or construction experience, and a high school degree or equivalent.
Voting usually happens during regular business hours, but on Saturday, November 5, both the Goodhue County Government Center and City Hall will be open from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. to accept your vote.